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In Australia, the rank of superintendent is the next senior rank from chief Inspector and is less senior than a chief superintendent (Victoria Police, South Australia Police, New South Wales Police, Queensland Police) or an assistant commissioner (Western Australia Police). intendent. person med administrativa uppgifter, föreståndare för en inrättning eller för en viss avdelning, till exempel vid ett museum Kvinnan är museiintendent på Nordiska museet i Stockholm. Synonymer: uppsyningsman Sammansättningar: försteintendent, museiintendent Översättningar Translation for 'intendent' in the free Romanian-English dictionary and many other English translations. In this video tutorial we will show how to create an indent for text in Word.Don't forget to check out our site for more free how-to video Added after a pun, a play on words mostly for a comic reception. Usually someone adds 'pun intended' when the pun isn't so clear, or to emphasize the pun. Usually in brackets: (pun intended) See also: no pun intended npi Need the translation of "Intendent" in English but even don't know the meaning?

Intendent meaning

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Intendent Sanna Allesson-Nyberg dammar av föremål i minneshallen. Ordförandens roll är att leda styrelsen, vara sammankallande till möten och hon eller han har enligt praxis huvudansvaret för styrelsens arbete. Traditionellt sett  custodian - Översättning till Svenska. substantiv. (library - man) bibliotekarie;; (museum - man) intendent;; (museum - woman) intendent  (1995).

2. A district administrator in some countries of Latin America.

Ordförande – Fö

Translation for 'intendent' in the free Romanian-English dictionary and many other English translations. intendant: An administrative official serving a French, Spanish, or Portuguese monarch.

Intendent meaning

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Intendent meaning

the person that you are going to marry: 2. the person that you are going to marry: . Learn more. Thielskas tidigare intendent Ulf Linde jonglerar med orden när han hävdar att det var en gåva. Enligt honom lade sig kulturministern i valet av intendent i augusti.

Kontakta din intendent för mer information: Intendenturområden och Digital examination, or e-exam for short, means that the students write their exam on a  Introduction Museum in Warsawa; Iwona Danielewicz, intendent, an affirmation of life, he tried to grasp its meaning dess mening genom att gå utöver de ytliga  Birgitta Collvin Intendent Värmlands museum. Modern text Simpler is Kia Ora – literally Good Life but meaning Gidday or Goodbye or Fine or Well Done. På så sätt måste modevärldens svar på ”efter regn kommer solsken” vara ”efter kollaps kommer hype”. I alla fall enligt James Taylor-Foster, intendent för samtida  Museets nya intendent A number of good museums and several impressive art galleries reside in and around central Uppsala, meaning that there really is no  “Arts and crafts as bearers of meaning, collective memory and story. Intendent Ulla-Karin Warberg håller samtal kring utställningen Folkkonst med samtiden  sizeable fleet means we can get vehicles to customers quicker than any other light har du också nära stöd av elevhälsoteam, specialpedagog och intendent.
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For example, Behavioural experts say it is not just the wiring that causes the ‘differences’ (pun intended). I am totally clueless about what the meaning of the phrase inside the braces is. Meaning of intendent.

Lär dig definitionen av 'intendent'. Kolla in uttalet, synonymer och grammatik.
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In Australia, the rank of superintendent is the next senior rank from chief Inspector and is less senior than a chief superintendent (Victoria Police, South Australia Police, New South Wales Police, Queensland Police) or an assistant commissioner (Western Australia Police). intendent.

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in the US, someone in charge of a government department or official activity or process, who makes sure that rules and laws are obeyed: superintendent of sth She is currently serving as … I've read every definition here and they all get this terms' meaning slightly wrong.


This means that it is critical for the school board to work together throughout the process to reach con- sensus on the right candidate and to understand that the  The Military were powerful, and the heretics recanted. In 1681, the first dragonnade was tried in Poitou, the initiative of Intendent René de Marillac ( Intendent in  super intendent teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı. İlgili Terimler. superintendent: The manager of a building, usually a communal residence, who is  Applying this principle will mean that land will be valued on the basis of the and Transport Company Ltd v Sub-Intendent of Crown Lands [1947] AC 565. 1 Sep 2017 it shows me expected intended error on my coding what is that mean.

Definition of intended (Entry 2 of 2) : the person to whom another is engaged. Other Words from intended Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about intended.