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Wahman, Michael LU; Teorell, Jan LU and Hadenius, Axel LU In Contemporary Politics 19 (1). p.19-34. Mark; Abstract This article introduces a modified and updated version of the authoritarian regime type dataset first introduced by Hadenius and Teorell [2007. Pathways from authoritarianism. Journal of Democracy, 18 (1), 143–157]. Geddes (2004) and Hadenius & Teorell (2007) both expand the definition of non-democratic regimes past the totalitarian conception and include variants such as military authoritarianism and monarchy. Geddes focuses why regime transitions take place and which types of regimes are most vulnerable to transition.
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In developing their own typology of authoritarian regimes, Hadenius and Teorell critique Geddes, noting that she “omits some important types of nondemocratic regimes” (145) as they dispute the justification of “personalism” as an independent regime type; instead, they opt to conceptualize authoritarianism in the form of monarchies, military regimes, theocracies, transitional regimes from classi cation of regimes into exclusive categories (Hadenius and Teorell, 2007; Svolik, 2012; Wilson, 2014; Weeks, 2014). First, using a relative cut-point on an index to delineate whether an individual regime falls into a particular category means that some concepts, which vary in degree 2016-06-28 · At the same time, a number of political scientists have also noted the proliferation of countries around the globe that are straddling democracy and dictatorship. (See works byLevitsky and Way [2010] and Hadenius and Teorell [2007]). Abstract: This paper tries to identify the fiscal sustainability record of democratically and autocratically governed countries by applying various performance indicators (credit Hadenius, Axel and Jan Teorell.
Political Science; in Journal of Democracy volume 18 issue 1 pages 143 - 156 publisher Teorell, Jan & Axel Hadenius.
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Emancipative values and democracy: Response to Hadenius and Teorell @article{Welzel2006EmancipativeVA, title={Emancipative values and democracy: Response to Hadenius and Teorell}, author={C. Welzel and R. Inglehart}, journal={Studies in Comparative International Development}, year={2006}, volume={41}, pages={74-94} } (2003); Hadenius and Teorell (2007); and Wright (2008), are concerned with classifying the full breadth of authoritarianism.
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Hadenius and Teorell 2007; Cheibub et al. “Pathways from Authoritarianism.” Journal of Democracy 18(1):. 143–56. Hadenius, Axel, Jan Teorell, and Michael Wahman.
This article demonstrates that Axel Hadenius and Jan Teorell's attempt to disprove a causal effect of emancipative mass orientations on democracy is flawed in each of its three lines of reasoning. First, contrary to Hadenius and Teorell's claim that measures of "effective democracy" end up in meaningless confusion of democracy and minor aspects of its quality, we illustrate that additional qualifications of democracy illuminate
Axel Hadenius; Jan Teorell; Issue Date January 2007. Volume 18 Issue 1 Page Numbers 143-156 Print Download from Project MUSE View Citation Select your citation format
Axel Hadenius Uppsala University ( Jan Teorell Göteborg University ( C&M The Committee on Concepts and Methods IPSA International Political Science Association CIDE Teaching and Research in the Social Sciences
This article demonstrates that Axel Hadenius and Jan Teorell’s attempt to disprove a causal effect of emancipative mass orientations on democracy is flawed in each of its three lines of reasoning. This article demonstrates that Axel Hadenius and Jan Teorell’s attempt to disprove a causal effect of emancipative mass orientations on democracy is flawed in each of its three lines of reasoning. Hadenius and Teorell claim that our measure of effective democracy is meaning- less because it confuses two conceptually different things: democratic government and effective government. AU - Teorell, Jan. AU - Hadenius, Axel. PY - 2013.
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2012, hereafter # 2013 Taylor & Francis ∗Michael Wahman is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for European Studies, University of Texas at Austin.
First, contrary to Hadenius and Teorell's claim that measures of "effective democracy" end up in meaningless confusion of democracy and minor aspects of its quality, we illustrate that additional qualifications of democracy illuminate
A. Hadenius, Jan Teorell Published 2006 In this paper, we present a new typology of authoritarian regime types, covering 191 countries in the world from 1972–2003. Hadenius, Axel LU and Teorell, Jan LU organization.
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2013. Authoritarian regime types revisited: updated data in comparative perspective. Contemporary Politics 19 (1): 19-34. See also 2016-04-01 Geddes (2004) and Hadenius & Teorell (2007) both expand the definition of non-democratic regimes past the totalitarian conception and include variants such as military authoritarianism and monarchy.
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Political Science; in Journal of Democracy volume 18 issue 1 pages 143 - 156 publisher Johns Hopkins University Press external identifiers. wos:000243581700011; scopus Teorell, Jan & Hadenius, Axel. “Democracy without Democratic Values: A Rejoinder to Welzel and Inglehart”, Studies in Comparative International Development 41(3): 95-111, 2006. Hadenius, Axel & Jan Teorell. “Pathways from Authoritarianism”, Journal of Democracy 18(1): 143-156, 2007. Teorell, Jan & Hadenius, Axel. “Democracy without Democratic Values: A Rejoinder to Welzel and Inglehart”, Studies in Comparative International Development 41(3): 95-111, 2006.
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They have a strong incentive, therefore, to resist change as long as possible. All in all, according to Geddes, this gives personalist regimes greater staying power than This article demonstrates that Axel Hadenius and Jan Teorell’s attempt to disprove a causal effect of emancipative mass orientations on democracy is flawed in each of its three lines of reasoning. The CCP is coded as a dominant or one-party civilian regime during its entire time in power by standard autocratic typologies such as Geddes (Reference Geddes 1999), Hadenius and Teorell (Reference Hadenius and Teorell 2007), and Cheibub et al. (Reference Cheibub, Gandhi and Vreeland 2010). Axel Hadenius is professor of political science at Uppsala University in Sweden. He is the author ofDemocracy and Development (Cambridge University Press, 1992) andInstitutions and Democratic Citizenship (Oxford University Press, 2001).
“Cultural and Economic Prerequisites of Democracy: Reassessing Recent Evidence.”Studies in Comparative International 9 Jun 2020 Cheibub et al., Geddes, and Hadenius and Teorell and consider their impacts on the comparative study of regime type. What are the limitations 1 Jan 2007 PATHWAYS FROM. AUTHORITARIANISM. Axel Hadenius and Jan Teorell. What conditions provide fertile soil for democratic advancement?